Innovation Stream Overview
Working Groups
Working Groups play a central role in the daily work of The Autonomous, enabling a wide range of experts from industry and academia to collaborate on specific safety-critical challenges of autonomous driving.
Together, they develop pre-competitive concepts, technical solutions, best practices, and recommendations in key areas of autonomous driving – from E/E architectures and artificial intelligence to regulatory frameworks and public acceptance.
Our Working Groups are time-limited and provide a platform for The Autonomous Members to take collective action and advance safe autonomous mobility through concrete solutions.
Document downloads:
General Setup
The Autonomous
- Neutral Position
- Organizational work
- Onboards members
- Legal negotiations
- Facilitates meetings
- Coordinates units
Working Group Members
Platinum, Gold, and Silver Members
- Financial contribution
- Personal contribution
- Seat on the Expert Advisory Board (available only for Platinum Members)
Expert Advisory Board
Technical Steering Commitee
- Approves final documents
- Reviews technical content
- Consults
- Mediates conflict resolution
Working Group Lead
Initiating company of the Working Group
- Neutral Position
- Scope definition
- Moderation
- Coordination
- Chairperson for 1st period
Working Group Safety & Architecture
The scope of this Working Group is to define the state-of-the-art in safety architecture for safe self-driving cars (SAE L4 and higher).
The main technical areas of cooperation of the Working Group “Safety & Architecture” include:
- Defining a list of key terms, assumptions, and target safety goals for self-driving cars.
- Investigating multiple conceptual architecture candidates that meet the target safety goals. All members are encouraged to provide their conceptual architecture for discussion.
- Structuring the conceptual architecture into appropriate subsystems and defining fault-containment units.
- Communication subsystems that connect to sensors and actuators as part of the conceptual architecture.

Working Group Lead:

Expert Circles
The Autonomous Expert Circles bring together ambitious experts and industry thought leaders with specialized knowledge and experience in a specific AV topic to collaborate, share insights and discuss potential solutions to the current challenges facing the development and adoption of autonomous vehicles.
Expert Circle Safety of Embedded AI
Artificial intelligence is a key enabler of autonomous driving. While it is already widely accepted for perception and scene understanding to increase dependability, the use of AI for trajectory planning and control is relatively new.
To close this gap, Infineon Technologies and The Autonomous call on global key industry players and research institutes to collaborate and join forces in order to create a common understanding of how to use AI safely for trajectory planning and control, thus enhancing existing classical algorithms.
Expert Circle Lead:

Kick-off: September 2022
Desired Expert Role: Software Designer, Software Architect for trajectory & motion planning, Embedded AI Expert
Expert Circle Safety & Regulation
The successful and safe deployment of autonomous driving (AD) technologies across the globe is considered one of the most significant challenges in the mobility industry. The difficulty of defining and complying with all relevant regulatory requirements and standards from various organizations adds to this complexity.
In this Working Group, the members will discuss:
- Current challenges, developments, and practices in compliance, validation, and standardization of autonomous driving
- Requirements that autonomous driving systems have to meet to be street legal
- Challenges and differences in the rule perception of humans and machines
- Regulations for both conventional and autonomous vehicles, with and without a human driver
Expert Circle Leads:
Kick-off: November 2022
Desired Expert Role: Requirements / Homologation engineer for automated driving, Expert in regulation for autonomous driving