Vienna, Austria – April 25, 2024 – The Autonomous makes its debut appearance at the 45th International Vienna Motor Symposium, signaling a significant step towards addressing the paramount challenges in autonomous vehicle (AV) safety. The event, renowned for its focus on energy-efficient powertrains, now includes a dedicated session on autonomous driving, highlighting its growing significance in the future of mobility.


“We are honored to contribute to the dialogue on autonomous vehicle safety at the prestigious Vienna Motor Symposium,” remarked Ricky Hudi, Chairman of The Autonomous. “Safety is non-negotiable in autonomous driving, and our participation highlights our dedication to addressing this paramount concern collaboratively.”


The Autonomous panel discussion, hosted by Chairman Ricky Hudi, brings together industry leaders from The Autonomous ecosystem, including Ralf Herrtwich, Senior Director Automotive Software at NVIDIA, Dr. Frederic Geber, Counsel at PSWP, and Alejandro Vukotich, Vice President Product Management at Qualcomm, and TTTech Auto co-founder and CTO, Stefan Poledna.


The panel offers a deep dive into a spectrum of critical topics. It leverages a rich set of discussions and working group results achieved since the launch of The Autonomous Initiative in 2019. This initiative, started by TTTech Auto, fosters collaboration among industry leaders, prioritizing safety and avoiding competition to comprehensively address the biggest safety challenges in autonomous driving.


An integral aspect of this panel discussion will be the unveiling of the recent results by The Autonomous Working Group Safety & Architecture. The Working Group Report, published in December 2023, outlines a reference use case for an SAE L4 Highway Pilot, establishing key requirements in automated driving, exploring candidate architectures for an autonomous driving system, and offering essential criteria for automotive decision-makers in building up a safety argumentation.


The panel will address key inquiries relevant to automated driving, examining fundamental components required in a functional architecture for achieving Level 4 autonomy, emphasizing redundancy and diversity. It will also explore regulatory aspects, including the current landscape for autonomous driving regulations, requirements for street-legal automated driving systems, and challenges in compliance, validation, and standardization.

From an artificial intelligence perspective, challenges and advancements necessary for achieving Levels 3 and 4 autonomy will also be addressed. The panelists will analyze the advantages and limitations of current AI technologies, methods for validating AI technologies for safety, ensuring comprehensive coverage of edge cases, and understanding the Perception-Action-Cycle.


Finally, the speakers will discuss the scalability of solutions from entry-level L2 systems to Level 4 autonomy, highlighting the need for adaptable and scalable developments.


We will continue these vital discussions at The Autonomous Main Event on September 23-24, both in-person at Vienna’s Hofburg Palace and virtually. You can accredit yourself as a journalist and secure your spot now by contacting The Autonomous team at


Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation and advance the future of safe autonomous mobility.



About The Autonomous


The Autonomous is the global community shaping the future of safe autonomous mobility. Initiated by TTTech Auto in 2019, The Autonomous is an open platform building an ecosystem of all actors involved in the development of safe autonomous mobility. Ecosystem partners range from car manufacturers, technology suppliers and regulatory authorities to disruptors, thought leaders, academia, and government institutions. The goal of The Autonomous is to generate new knowledge and technological solutions in the field of autonomous mobility, thus accelerating the transition to market readiness and series development of safe self-driving vehicles. To accomplish this, The Autonomous has established two strategic streams:


  • Event Stream – facilitates insightful discussions and networking opportunities for leading executives and experts from the autonomous mobility ecosystem.
  • Innovation Stream – fosters cooperation across the industry, nurturing the development of globally recognized reference solutions for safety challenges. These reference solutions align with relevant standards, serving as a catalyst for the widespread adoption of safe autonomous mobility on a global scale. As part of the Innovation Stream, The Autonomous launches and facilitates Working Groups and Expert Circles to develop pre-competitive concepts, concrete technical solutions, best practices, and recommendations in key areas of autonomous driving – from E/E architectures and artificial intelligence to regulatory frameworks and societal acceptance.


The findings of The Autonomous Innovation Stream are presented yearly at The Autonomous Main Event (


By Iulia Juchert

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